We're often asked at the store if we buy such machines.
As a rule, we don't: but here are several local programs you can use to advertize for FREE.
1. Valley Trader
A weekly classifieds paper sold in over 600 stores from Martinsburg to Staunton. Ads can be submitted over the phone and online.
2. WSVA Tag Sale
Radio classifieds. Call in on Fridays from 10am-11am to alert listeners about your items. Ads can also be submitted online and posted on the show website.
3. Woodstock Yard Sale Edinburg Yard Sale Front Royal Yard Sale
Facebook groups dedicated to local sales. Use photographs to showcase and stir up interest.
4. Shentel "Simply Local" Classifieds
Online website dedicated to local classifieds. Exclusive clause (advertizing here means you should not advertize anywhere else).
If none of the options work, don't discount donating the sewing machine to a non-profit organization for tax purposes.